Life as an American Teacher in Iraq
We're back with Erik! And he shares a more thorough walk through the old history of the Kurds.
Check our our website for links and info about some of the characters Erik mentions!
Part 2 of our interview with Erik about life and culture in Iraq. Also, an amazing story of how he survived a 100mph crash on a highway!
Hannah and Colleen interview our friend and teammate, Erik, about his life and experiences teaching and living in Iraq as well as his studies of Kurdish history and culture.
Hannah and Colleen embark on the many uses of the Iraqi Kurdish Park and the many varieties of Recreation available in Kurdish parks. There's workout equipment, food carts, fairs, amusement park...
This is a special update episode! Hannah and Colleen interview Robin, who helped SGI rebuild schools in Turkey after the big earthquakes in 1999. Those connections and relationships have opened ...
Hannah and Colleen talk about Hannah's trip to visit our team members in Iraq. Where we used to be the ones who were visited, now we are the visitors. And we love taking care of our team members...
Hannah and Colleen continue their conversation about tourist sites in Iraq near Dohuk in this mini episode!
Learn more at
Hannah and Colleen walk you through the favorite tourist sites for both locals and foreigners in Northern Iraq. Part two with the sites around Dohuk will come next! Some of these tourist sites ...
Hannah and Colleen have a conversation with Victoria, who went on our teacher training trip back in August of 2021. Hear her reactions, culture shock, what she learned, and whether or not she'd ...
Hannah wraps up her research on the Chaldean Catholic Church with their modern history in Northern Iraq, the destruction by ISIS, and the various diasporas to the West. What is the fate of Alqos...